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Why you should switch to an aluminium free deodorant today

  • 4 min read

The first thing we need to establish is that technically speaking, all deodorant is aluminium-free. Antiperspirants often contain aluminium or aluminium salts like aluminium chlorohydrate as active ingredients to help prevent perspiration (sweating). The way in which this works is thought to be due to physical blocking of the sweat duct, chemical inhibition of the sweat gland, or a combination of both. 

Difference between deodorant and antiperspirant

Deodorant and antiperspirant are often conflated, but do in fact serve different purposes in personal hygiene. Deodorants are designed to mask or eliminate body odour which is caused by bacterial breakdown of perspiration. They typically contain antimicrobial agents that kill or inhibit the bacteria responsible for the odour, along with fragrances to provide a pleasant scent. 

Deodorants do not stop sweat production; instead, they focus on neutralising the odour. Natural deodorants not only contain no aluminium, but they are also free of harmful chemicals and irritating fragrances. 

Antiperspirants are formulated to reduce or stop perspiration. They contain active ingredients like aluminium-based compounds that temporarily block sweat glands, thereby reducing the amount of sweat that reaches the skin. 

While deodorants aim to manage and mask odour without affecting sweat production, antiperspirants are designed to reduce sweating, consequently controlling odour. 

Why worry about aluminium?

Many of the worries people have surrounding using antiperspirants that are formulated with aluminium salts are about whether it can contribute to health concerns. 

Before we address the individual concern, it’s important to note that the American Cancer Society states: ‘there are no strong epidemiologic studies (studies in people) that link breast cancer risk and antiperspirant use, and very little scientific evidence to support this claim.’

Some people worry that aluminium in antiperspirants increases the risk of developing breast cancer due to absorption of aluminium salts through the skin. More research is needed into this area, but many people still choose to err on the side of caution and avoid aluminium antiperspirants. 

As well as this worry, some people find that aluminium in antiperspirants aggravates their skin, causing sensitivities. Increasingly, people now opt for a natural deodorant formulated with skin-loving ingredients. 

Is aluminium free deodorant better? 

Whether aluminium free deodorant is better than antiperspirants that contain aluminium or aluminium salts depends on the individual and their preferences. 

Some people are more concerned with preventing excessive sweating, so antiperspirants may be the best option for them. However, others are apprehensive about perceived health risks, so find deodorant (which is inherently aluminium-free) works for them.

UpCircle’s aluminium-free deodorant

Our deodorant is formulated with upcycled prickly pear extract, which is derived from the fruit of the prickly pear cactus that would otherwise go to waste. It is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and hydration properties, helping to soothe and nourish the skin.

The extract also helps to reduce irritation and redness, making it ideal for use on delicate underarm skin that may have been irritated by shaving. If you choose to shave your underarms, follow our step-by-step shaving routine.

Macadamia oil provides deep nourishment and hydration for the skin. With delicate citrus notes, this deodorant not only keeps you feeling fresh but also uplifts your senses.

In typical UpCircle fashion, the product is housed in plastic-free packaging and is completely natural. Moisture-absorbing, our deodorant offers long-lasting freshness. We've called the scent "Fresh Citrus" – bringing refreshing notes of bergamot and lime. 

We’ve answered all of our most frequently asked questions about our deodorant in a blog post so the most important is in one place. However, we think it’s important to tell you why we chose to create a deodorant. 

We chose to make a deodorant as opposed to an antiperspirant because, from our research, most people prefer deodorants to avoid aluminium, due to concerns about potential health risks and skin irritation. Deodorants are more gentle on the skin.

Although not sweat-blocking, our deodorant is moisture-absorbing as it contains corn starch. This means that although it does not prevent sweat because it’s aluminium-free, it will help minimise moisture and keep you dry.



How to use: Apply a small amount to clean, dry underarms, using gentle circular motions for even coverage. Let it absorb for a moment before getting dressed.

How refills will work: Refills of our deodorant will be slightly different to the packaging return scheme we have in place for the rest of the range. For your first purchase of the deodorant you buy the metal outer tube, which comes with one deodorant insert, and afterwards, you purchase a refill insert as needed. The refill arrives as a normal order, and you insert it into your outer tube. The packaging for the refill insert is 100% paper.

Switching to an aluminium-free deodorant

When you switch to an aluminium-free deodorant from an antiperspirant, it’s common to experience an adjustment period as your body detoxifies from previous products. This is an individual process, and can last from a few days to a couple of weeks. It’s important to note that some people experience increased sweating or odour.

We’ll cover this topic more in depth in an upcoming blog post. 

Shop our full range of natural, vegan products at UpCircle.